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New Space, New Beginnings

Writer: Feather CharmFeather Charm

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the new digs!

I’ve missed you all so much! I know it must be a shock to see a new layout and style, but I thought it was time Feather matured. After all, I have a job now, and things will get even busier, what with my new film productions taking flight and my participation with the No Input Productions YouTube channel, which you should go check out if you haven’t yet!

Where Have You Been Feather?

Ok, so you’ve been wondering what I’ve been doing? Well, first off, I’m another year older (Yay!). Secondly, I’ve found a new spiritual path, yes, I’m still Catholic, but I’ve found myself enjoying enlightening myself with healing crystals, meditation, and chakra cleansing. In fact, I’ve recently found out that my Sacral chakra was majorly blocked. I’ve only just managed to completely cleanse and release the blockage. It was a major experience! Trust me!

Oh, and if you don’t already know, I’ve deleted and reuploaded the Feather’s Charm Facebook Page too! Why? There were too many bots, and I couldn’t get rid of any of them. I knew my posts weren’t getting to the right people because my ads had messed up the algorithm, so I’ve had to start all over again just to get my posts to the right people. So, if you want to check it out, head on over there! It’s rather bare right now. Since I’ve had to start all over again, even with my blog posts here on Feather’s Charm, everything I’d worked on last year and the year before had to be deleted.

I know! It’s sad! Those reviews of Hamilton and those rants on ATLA were your favourites! Don’t worry; they’ll be up again in no time, but in a better format. Trust me! No more spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, or sentences that don’t belong. I know what I’ve done wrong, and yes, I’ll be changing it, so don’t worry, those rants will be back, but you’ll either find it in my A Day In The Life section, Watch A Good Movie section, or even the Pearls Of Wisdom section.

What Are These New Sections?!

Ok, so for those of you who’ve been with me a while, you’ve probably taken a look around at the new website and found quite a number of changes (If you’re new here, don’t worry about it, carry on). Well, yes, I changed a number of aspects of my website because they no longer served my purpose, and honestly, I was running out of things to say. Not only that, but my tutorial articles were getting harder to make because I just wasn’t inspired enough.

So, I got rid of all the extra stuff, like Thread A Needle and The Fandom Corner. These took up too much time; I did not want to continue writing for them. Although, if you ask, I might bring them back, for old time’s sake. Not to mention, all the little extra text images I had, like the film quotes, the Thread A Needle Tips & Tricks and even the Charmer Awards, have all been scrapped too! Why? Well, I have a new job now, I no longer have the time to sit down and create these pieces. It’s a shame, I did enjoy doing them, but with my daily routine now taken up by work, I can’t continue with them (for now, at least). Nevertheless, say goodbye to the old section and freebies, and say hello to the new sections!

Now, let me answer that all-important question, what are these new sections? Well, if you’ve noticed, The Director’s Chair now has three new categories! That’s right; I’ve divided those articles into their own sections because I didn’t want to confuse you. So you now have Study The Theory, Watch A Good Film and The Producer’sdidn’t Notes. These sections are pretty self-explanatory.

With the Study The Theory section, you can learn all about the history and theory behind filmmaking and what it takes to make a good film. With Watch A Good Film, obviously I’ll be watching and reviewing films, both old and new, with a critical eye. Finally, The Producer’s Notes will be all about the current projects I’m working on or advice I can give to aspiring producers, directors, writers, and other filmmakers. So, if you’re looking for help and inspiration, then take a look (it’s pretty bare at the moment, come back when I’ve made up more blog posts)!

Next, you have the Journal With Me section under The Crafty Corner. This section is all about… you’ve guessed it…my bullet journal! I absolutely love bullet journaling and journaling of the regular kind. It not only reminds me about what happened that day, but it gets my creative juices flowing. Granted, I can’t journal every day, but when I do, I love falling into my memories or creating interesting spreads. So, if you want to learn how to bullet journal or what to put into your journals, check that space out (again, when I’ve written more posts for it).

Finally, you have the Pearls Of Wisdom section. This section is dedicated to my spiritual journey (no, it wasn’t inspired by TikTok…completely), but I found it myself. No, I won’t be aiming this specifically for my religion (Catholicism), but more like my practice. So, lately, I’ve been meditating and trying to access my higher power, and I feel like it has impacted my life in a good way.

Many things that seemed like coincidences began to make sense, and I’ve learned how to deal with that. Not only that, but I’ve been trying to connect back with nature (well, as best as I can, in a built-up city like London), so I’ll be making more of an effort to interact with it, and I’ll try to document that journey there too. So, if you’re like me, and you want to access your higher self, then join me, and if you have any suggestions, share them with me! I’d love to know what else I can try to better my journey.

What About Social Media?

Don’t worry; I’ll be keeping up to date with social media too. I’ve found a great app that’ll help me post up regularly, and no, I don’t need to pay for it (for you frugal-minded players out there…for now). So, all the videos I make, and all the photos and images (some hopefully animated ones) I take, I’ll be able to upload them regularly, without having to keep my eyes glued to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! I’ve got it all sorted out!

So don’t worry! I’ll keep you updated and in the know if you want. Just follow, like, comment, or share my posts, to stay in touch. And if you’re wondering, I may show my face more often, but that’s only if I feel like it. The more important thing for me is to get all my ideas, knowledge, and advice down on paper than my face (because who wants to see that?).

Well, that’s it from me today. I’ll see you guys next time! And as always, don’t forget to like, subscribe, comment, share and follow for more updates and the latest posts here on Feather’s Charm and on social media! Oh, and share this with your family and friends, who might also enjoy my content! I’ll see you later!

With love,



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